What is the difference between a transparent LED screen and a radiometric matching display?
There are many differences between transparent LED screens and mesh LED screens. However, the current market is still confused between these two types. So what is the difference between these two? And which type is suitable for the project. If you also want to know these questions, let's find the answers here.
Similarities between LED transparent screen and grille screen
1. Design principles
Both transparent LED screens and grille LED screens are hollowed out on the basis of conventional LED screens, eliminating excess details and making the screen look more streamlined.
The hollow structure between the light bars helps significantly reduce the weight of both screens, while increasing the screen's certain light transmission rate.
2. Application areas
Both can be installed in locations with glass walls, the main purpose is to take advantage of the permeability and high light transmission of both, without affecting indoor lighting.
Lighter weight than traditional curtains, easy to transport and install, does not affect the existing curtain wall structure.
The difference between LED transparent screen and grille screen
1. Different LED lamp beads
Mesh LED screen has a large pixel pitch and a relatively small pixel density. In an outdoor environment, a high brightness screen is required, so the LED needs to ensure this.
Related articles: Mesh LED display
Indoor installation of transparent LED display pixel density is relatively large, usually P3.9 P7.8 P10.4 ..., small dot pitch, higher picture quality, using SMD lamp beads.
Related articles: What is transparent LED display?
2. The installation environment is different
Mesh LED screen is produced specifically for installation in outdoor environments, covering curtain walls, facades, cityscapes. The current transparent LED display is mainly installed in the indoor environment.
3. The waterproof level is different
Outdoor security LED grille screen. For waterproof and dustproof, the level of protection should be above IP65.
Indoor transparent LED screen usually has a lower protection level and is less waterproof.
4. Different weight
Because the grille LED display needs to provide a certain degree of protection, grouting waterproof process increases the weight of the light bar itself. As the light bar itself is heavy, the use of cold-rolled steel or aluminum castings to produce the box, will make the weight of the entire screen body, the weight is generally in the 20kg / ㎡ or so.
Transparent LED display does not have this process, the light bar is thinner, the bezel design is streamlined or no bezel, the screen body is lighter, the weight is about 12kg/m2.
The above is the difference between transparent LED screen and grille screen. The current grid LED screen has the limitation of transparency, higher requirement of installation environment and 3-5 years of life, which is shorter than the transparent LED screen.
Since it is an outdoor advertising screen, it needs long time exposure and wind blowing, so the range becomes an important factor to test the grille screen.
The open structure makes the grille screen as unconvincing as ordinary outdoor LED display in terms of waterproof and so on, which also limits the wide application of the grille screen. With the continuous development and maturity of transparent LED display, the application advantages will be further highlighted.
transparent LED radiometric matching display difference